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This set was donated by Lauren Jones, who makes her jewelry out of Gaia-friendly materials. Go check out more of her work at @ljsjewelry on instagram!



On August 8, 1970 a group of hunters cornered a family of ~80 southern resident orcas in Penn Cove, captured 46, and sold them cheaply to SeaWorld-esque marine parks around the US. 5 orcas drowned that day and 45 of those captured died within 5 years in captivity. To this day, Tokitae, the lone survivor, remains at Miami Seaquarium over 50 years later. Kept in the oldest and smallest orca tank in the United States, and in the opposite corner of the country from her native Salish Sea, Tokitae still practices her family’s vocal calls from back home.


If you want to help bring Tokitae back to Salish waters, the Orca Network is working tirelessly to do so. Check out their website and write a couple letters! Orca populations, especially southern residents which rely solely on fish as a source of food, really need us right now and Tokitae herself definitely deserves some love.


Made by: LJ's Jewelry

Tokitae Set - LJ's Jewelry


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